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The shipment of our products is normally made by international transport companies via letter or parcel post. Bigger volumes are shipped by a forwarding agency.
Delivery time
The delivery takes normally place within 1 – 2 working days after receipt of your order. You will therefore receive the goods normally within 3 – 4 working days after we have received your order.
Costs for shipments (only for Standarddelivery, Expressdelivery more expensive)
Deliveries within Germany to final users with a goods’ value up to EUR 250,00 net are invoiced with the transport flat rate of EUR 9,00 net. Deliveries of goods with a higher value are free of charge. Deliveries within Europe to final users with a goods’ value up to EUR 400,00 net are invoiced with the transport flat rate of EUR 13,50 net. Deliveries of goods with a higher value are free of charge. Deliveries to final users in the rest of the world with a goods’ value up to EUR 1.500,00 net are invoiced with the transport flat rate of EUR 53,00 net. Deliveries of goods with a higher value are free of charge.
For retailers we have separate conditions that are available on request. If you wish to receive the retailer conditions please contact us.
Important information
In all cases our General Terms and Conditions are valid. Accordingly you have especially the right to revoke your order within two weeks after receipt of goods in writing or by returning the goods. There is no need to justify your revocation. The deadline is met by returning the goods within one month. The right to revoke is not valid for audio or video products or software (DVD, CD) if the customer has broken the seal. In case of revocation or return of goods we transfer the value of the goods to the bank account mentioned by you.
Further questions
We are looking forward to all questions and suggestions you may have. Do not hesitate to contact us. We are glad to help you with all questions that our homepage does not answer.